Volunteers have been a key element in our successful Main Street program. In fact, each year, community-minded volunteers from throughout Cedar Falls contribute thousands of hours to help plan events, complete projects, plant flowers, provide general maintenance and so much more. There are plenty of ways to get involved in downtown Cedar Falls. You can join one of our four standing committees, or simply volunteer to lend a hand at one of our exciting annual activities. Please see below for current volunteer opportunities and call us at 277-0213 to find out how you can help.
Event Volunteers
District Street Party
Join us for the third annual District Street Party and have a blast volunteering at this fast paced entertaining event.
Deck the Falls
Help us make the Downtown District beautiful for the holidays by signing up to volunteer to decorate. Multiple time slots and opportunities available.
Committee Volunteers
Community Main Street is always accepting new members for each of our four standing committees: Business Improvement, Design, Organization & Development and Promotions. Click here for a detailed description of each committee's responsibility. Please contact the Community Main Street office at 277-0213 if you are interested in joining one of these committees.